Case Results

  • Not Guilty Domestic Violence Assault

    Client was accused of domestic violence assault charge by his girlfriend who claimed he caused multiple bruises to her face. Despite the introduction of corroborating photographic evidence by the State, Robert Cleland argued at closing that the state hadn’t proven their case, Jury brought back a not guilty verdict on the charge and client was acquitted.

  • Not Guilty DUII Alcohol/Cannabis

    Client was acquitted after jury trial, despite 3 police officers who all testified that client appeared intoxicated by alcohol and marijuana. After extensive cross examination by Robert Cleland, Mr. Cleland successfully argued that despite appearances, the state hadn’t proven his client was under the influence of anything and the jury brought back a not guilty verdict.

  • Case Dismissed Domestic Violence Assault, Interfering with Making a Report, Harassment

    Client charged with Domestic Violence Assault, Interfering with Making a Report and Harassment. After a thorough investigation by Mr. Cleland, in which it was made clear that the client should proceed to trial, the state dismissed the case on the day of the trial.  

  • Not Guilty Domestic Violence Assault, Menacing Harassment

    Client was accused of domestic violence charges brought on by his ex-girlfriend who claimed he had slammed her finger in a cabinet door. After Robert Cleland got the menacing charge thrown out by the judge after the state’s case, it only took the jury 15 minutes to deliberate, after which they came back with not guilty verdicts on the remaining counts.

  • Case Dismissed Possession of Controlled Substance Methamphetamine

    Client charged with possession of meth, case dismissed after Robert Cleland successfully filed and argued a Motion To Suppress evidence that were the fruits of an illegal search by the Portland Police.

  • Not Guilty/Dismissal Possession of Controlled Substance Methamphetamine/Unlawful Delivery of Imitation Controlled Substance

    Client charged with possession of controlled meth and unlawful delivery of imitation controlled substance. Robert Cleland successfully got the meth charged dismissed after a successful motion to suppress based on the illegal search of the police. He then got a not guilty verdict at trial on the unlawful delivery of imitation controlled substance charge.

  • Favorable Outcome Unlawful Use of a Weapon w/Firearm

    Client charged with unlawful use of a weapon with a firearm. After defendant was given a take it or leave it offer of 60 months in prison and threatened with an attempted murder charge, he retained Robert Cleland who successfully negotiated a plea that was for probation only, no prison or any further jail time.

  • Case Dismissed Menacing

    Client charged with Menacing after allegedly threatening his neighbor with a knife. The case was dismissed after Robert Cleland successfully negotiated with the victim to drop the charge.

  • Favorable Outcome Sodomy 1, Sex Abuse 2, Strangulation

    After a drunken one night stand hookup, Client charged with Sodomy , a Ballot Measure 11 crime with a mandatory minimum of 100 months. After extensive negotiation with DA’s office by Robert Cleland, client pled to a lesser charge which allowed him to stay out of prison and included no further jail time.

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